Vineri, 26 februarie, ora 21.00, trio-ul acustic de roots music Soul Serenade revine la Clubul Taranului pentru a V-a editie "SOUL SERENADE & FRIENDS".
Invitatul nostru este nimeni altul decat Hanno Hoefer, multi-instrumentalist/regizor si fondatorul binecunoscutei trupei de blues-ethno-rock, NIGHTLOSERS.
Trupa si-a propus sa faca din acest eveniment o traditie la Clubul Taranului.
Scopul este, desigur, de a promova si sustine miscarea de Roots Music (blues, old time,bluegrass, jazz) din Romania si nu numai.
Va asteptam cu drag!
Intrare: 35 lei.
Rezervari la:
0726.009.051 / 0737.319.386
It is our pleasure to announce that the fifth edition of ''SOUL SERENADE & FRIENDS" will take place on Friday, the 26th of february, 21:00 at Clubul Taranului .
Our special guest will be none other than Hanno Hoefer, multi-instrumentalist/film director and founder of the highly acclaimed blues-ehno-rock band, NIGHTLOSERS.
"SOUL SERENADE & FRIENDS" is an idea aimed at drawing attention to the local roots music scene (blues, old time,bluegrass, jazz) and creating a bond between fellow roots musicians.
Entrance: 35 ron.
0726.009.051 / 0737.319.386